Well, I found some WiFi and it's a good thing I did.
"Tim Huelskamp is a rare breed of leader who boldly stands up for conservative principles -- and has a ten-year voting record to prove it."That just part of the glowing endorsement Tim Huelskamp received earlier today from former Presidential candidate (and winner of the Kansas GOP caucus I might add) Mike Huckabee.
There's only one reason these endorsements are being made this early: money. But as I look at what's happened so far, (Thompson, Blackwell, Huckabee) it's interesting to note that Huelskamp has sought well known Washington outsiders while Wasinger has gone after those that have spent their share of time in Washington. A very smart move.
Huckabee continued with what I would call the recurring theme voters will hear from now until August 2010:
I would not be supporting Tim if he were not 100 percent Pro-Life. Tim did not tell me he was pro-life, his record did. And let me assure you that whether you're talking about fighting for lower taxes, government transparency, or protecting the 2nd Amendment, Tim Huelskamp's conservative voting record is solid.A record. Isn't that refreshing? And not a record to run from, but a record to run to.
I am committed to doing what I can to help make sure he can bring those Kansas values to Washington, DC -- because we all know we have enough Washington values already. I hope you will join me in the fight for conservative values and support Tim Huelskamp for Congress."So, not only does Sen. Huelskamp have more cash on hand and more Kansas donations, but he now has more prominent national endorsements (whether verified or anonymous), and thus more momentum and a better plan of attack than Rob Wasinger.
And he's now the only candidate with an endorsement that will actually translate into votes come August. The massive turnout of Kansas Republicans to vote for Mike Huckabee even though John McCain had virtually locked up the nomination should not be overlooked.
And he has a great voting record to back it all up.
That's what I call a front runner.
More here and here and here.
This will be a huge endorsement for Kansas voters. Huckabee was a huge figure in the primaries, so you're right - this will translate into votes in August.
Huckabee can be counted on as a true conservative and that is what Kansans look for, especially social conservatives.
Brownback endorsed McCain (not a true conservative which hurt us in the election) so I guess we now know who the true conservative is between Huckabee's man Huelskamp and Brownback's man Wasinger.
I should say though, I'm probably biased for Huckabee because he held my baby son Noah, which was the feature photo on the front page of the Topeka Capital-Journal the day after Huckabee visited Topeka last year.
Dan, do you have a life ?
Anonymous comments from Massachusetts. Do you have a life?
Little Timmy the self-proclaimed over-educated farmer is famous! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0JdCXKopU0
I'm trying to figure out what your point is.
I've written numerous columns about the fact that I would have bet anyone $1 million when I left hight school that I'd never move back to the rural/agricultural county I live in now. And many other locals have claimed the same thing and we laugh about it. Then we all grow up, start having kids and decide our rural upbringing wasn't so bad and we return and buy businesses and get involved and become huge boosters of our local communities.
And looking at his education resume, yes. If he lived here in Washington County there'd be a good chance he'd be the most overeducated farmer here too. He was talking about his degrees, not that he's more intelligent than everyone. That seemed really obvious. It is a stump speech that would be popular in any rural county because we like it when our kids return after going off to college.
If you and your Wasinger buddies ever set foot in Kansas, you'd know that. Do you know anything about the culture of the first district? Let me give you a hint... it isn't anything like suburban Washington, D.C., thank God!
Dan, you take yourself much too seriously.
Yeah Dan, Chill out man. Take a deep breath.
On another note, those are his words..... you can spin it anyway you like but those are his words and they aren't pretty.
Why don't you attack me or Tim Huelskamp? Are you that desperate and scared that you have to attack an identified commenter anonymously?
Dan, don't you get it? You walked right into a trap of hypocrisy.
You attack Wasinger for leaving Kansas as a high schooler because he received a scholarship to a private school.
Unlike Huelskamp, who went to work for the New Mexico state government, Wasinger went straight back to Kansas after graduating college, and worked for Bill Graves. He then worked for Sam Brownback, and went to DC with him when elected, and worked hard for Kansas. He then returned home to Kansas to serve it even more.
So you make excuses for Tim not wanting to go back to Kansas, but Rob has a legitimate reason to leave (for his education) and you attack him for it. Rob then used his education to advance Kansas, while Tim went and worked for New Mexico.
Oh, the hypocrisy.
Some strategic plan of attack - Huelskamp just offended about 75% of Western Kansas and said "he didn't want to come back to Kansas" after he went to a private out of state school. Then he called farmers in Western Kansas STUPID.
It's here on YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0JdCXKopU0
The most educated farmer in the world... give us a break.
Did you drink a bottle of whiskey before you grabbed that mic at Kansas Days??
Again this anonymous commenter displays his total lack of knowledge of rural Kansans. A farmer of Tim's age would typically drink beer you idiot, not whiskey.
Could you please visit our state once and spend some time here so you can learn a little about us? Or are we not good enough for you, just like your carpet-bagging friend Wassy.
Okay blog moderator. I'm done for the night. I've gone way over limit and I'm gone tomorrow so you won't hear from me for a day or two.
Awww poor Danny, I thought you liked to debate?
I still don't understand how Rob is a carpetbagger... He actually came back to the state after his education, unlike Tim.
What happened to Timmy in New Mexico, anyway? Maybe you should look into that.
Come back soon Danny-boy! I got a shot a Jameson with your name on it ;-)
You guys should change your blog name to "Small Shoes Tim Huelskamp Herald." That's your boy's new nickname from what I am seeing on the blogs.
Looks like Huelskamp is bipolar. He's the most educated among us all AND he has small shoes. Where is he going with this guys?
You guys need to get Huelskamp to retract his statement about farmers being stupid. This could really end up hurting him among some of the voters.
Mr. Tiny Shoes,
Could you put up a post explaining your medical bipolar condition to us... Does it have anything to do with your infertility? Or is that a totally separate matter? Thanks.
Hey HH & Dano,
Just wondering if you might be able to put this new YouTube up on your site - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0JdCXKopU0
I'm not asking for the Fairness Doctrine to be reintroduced, but just hoping you might put this video up and explain why Tiny Shoes Tim thinks all the rest of the farmers in Kansas are a bunch of freakin' idiots.
Please explain.
Real professional anonymous. I can only assume that your attitude is a direct reflection of what we'd get from Wasinger.
Word on the street today is Rob took money from a Hillary Clinton donor. Wonder why a strong, pro-life conservative would take money from Hillary supporters?
Is that Kansas Hillary supporter? Or is this one of the out of state supporters -- whose money is reinvigorating the Kansas Economy?
I also heard that Huelskamp got a foot massage today...
50% OFF!!!!!
PS - please apologize for your negative posts.
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