The Wichita Eagle editorial blog noted today Sen. Huelskamp's opposition to a plan that would consolidate Kansas counties into 13 versus the 105 the state currently has.
“Wouldn’t we just save a lot more if we eliminate them all?” — Sen. Tim Huelskamp (in photo), R-Fowler, on the proposal by Sen. Chris Steineger, D-Kansas City, to consolidate Kansas’ 105 counties into 13 supercountiesThe rhetorical question highlighted the question of how far politicians should go in considering government consolidation. The only state in the union that is not further organized into counties is Alaska.
KSNBC-01, in their usual fair handed fashion, believed this to be a quote of support of eliminating all counties in Kansas. Of course, the author doesn't seem to understand that the outrageous nature of this claim not only reflects poorly on the author, but it also provides further evidence the author of KS-01 is also behind the new Sue Boldra hit blog.
The Hutchinson news has more on the Boldra blog flap.
Um, can you not read, Tim's quote says we would save more if we eliminated them all. If he was being sarcastic, none of the papers reported on that being the case. Nice spin, HH
I love how hard you are pushing to try and clear your name from running the Boldra blog after conveniently being gone for a couple of days, and once the blog reached its objective (getting attention and painting her as pro-abortion) suddenly, you'rrreeeeee back! Can you be any more obvious?
My not so anonymous Franciscan University of Stuebenville, Ohio friend:
I've refrained so far from naming names because of your connections to other people besides Rob Wasinger. However, it's become clear that you really have no limitations to what you are willing to say or do in your blind allegiance to Wasinger. So everyone can look forward to tomorrows post where you are named along with several others from Ohio, Massachusetts and Washington D.C. who are connected with the Wasinger campaign, the KS-01 blog, the two Huelskamp hit videos and the Boldra hit blog.
I find it quite irritating that someone from Ohio can do so much damage to Kansas Republicans.
Bring it on! But maybe you should connect all the dots first, and make sure such postings don't hurt the interests of others involved in the campaign....
And I find it funny that you are mad that videos were put up... in Tim's own words!!!!!!
And that you are going to "expose" the names of commenters... on an anonymous blog! Wimp!!!
Also, if you are going to make such accusations, you should be prepared to show that the IP address comes from Steubenville, Ohio. Best of luck!
"make sure such postings don't hurt the interests of others involved in the campaign...."
You should have thought of that before you went over the line Billy.
Tim, I was referring to YOUR campaign. Connect the dots! Look around.
Are you talking about Billy Valentine? Now that is just funny. I know him. Now, you can go ahead and pin everything on him, which, knowing Billy, will just make him laugh given that he's been called just about anything on the internet, but do know about 11 Frannys worked full time for Brownback, so it really could be any of them. But, go ahead, make Billy's day.
Need to do a little preemptive strike there? This ought to be good.
I'm from DC and I'm here at this site because Matt Lewis sent me here to check you out.
Matt said this was Huelskamp's official blog. Is that true?
When are you going to write about the Jack Abramoff endorsement?
Do you oppose the Internet Gambling Prohibition Act?
How much did you have to pay Abramoff, now a convicted felon, for his endorsement? Abramoff and Sheldon are very close and their endorsement is Interesting. I didn't know felons could vote in Kansas elections.
I can't believe you accepted an endorsement from Sheldon. You have to be the first since he was caught with his hand in the Jack Abramoff cookie jar. Felons for Huelskamp!!
Yes, I'm for Huelskamp now!!!!
He wants to give felons the right to vote, allow illegal influence to lobbyists in Washington, and cuddling up to ethically challenged leaders of the extreme far right fringe. If you're a felon in Kansas support Huelskamp so that you can get your right to vote back.
Sheldon is a crook.
Where did you go? Did they lock you up with Jack Abramoff too?
Lou Sheldon, Jack A's ol' pal
Is it true that kansas Right to Life Endorsed Tim today???
Is it true that you took money from AIG? What's going on with this story? Please tell me its not true.
"But, Rob, that's what you get for campaigning in a primary election in Kansas like you're in a general election- the other Republicans are supposed to be your friends."
Kansas JackAss....
Even liberals are calling him out for Rob's nastiness..
Way to keep your promise of a clean campaign Rob...
Where did you go? Did you have another fundraiser with AIG or was it with Jack Abramof this time?
Come back. You were so much fun to read.
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