I have been asked to change the name of my blog so that it is clear I have no relationship to the Tim Huelskamp for Congress campaign.
Under normal circumstances, I would delete this blog now that I've started a new one, Right Kansas. However, in light of the recent hit blog against Sue Boldra, I am instead posting this last notice and keeping this blog open to protect against unwanted blogging from a certain other campaign.
Thanks for you understanding, and please visit Right Kansas!
Well, I guess I have some egg on my face. Of course, I'm anonymous, so I guess I'll deal with it, right?
Anyway, imagine my surprise when I got this email.
To whom it may concern,
I am contacting you regarding your blog, Huelskampherald.blogspot.com, and I am asking that you change the name.
The name implies an affiliation with the Huelskamp campaign, which is incorrect, and so I ask that you select an alternate name to avoid any confusion. Your understanding in this matter is expected and appreciated.
Brian A. Weber Kansans for Huelskamp.
So, I'll be doing my best to import this blog to a new one, Right Kansas. We'll see how that goes. I'll send an email and see if I can leave HH up for a while. We'll see...
BTW, no hard feelings. I understand why Huelskamp has asked this and I'm happy to comply. So, unfortunately for everyone else in this race, I'll still be around, just at a different address!
The Hutchinson News has a great editorial up that you'll want to take a look at. As Wasinger and company take their strategy national, things continue to turn sour in the big first regarding carpetbaggers wanting an office with power.
Over the past couple of days, Rob Wasinger has begun reaching out to national blogs and posting his thoughts and comments there. It's difficult for me to be critical of this as more information from candidates is good and I appreciate someone willing to use new media to reach new voters.
And if that were the only motives behind the blogger bust out, I'd be fine. But there certainly seems to be an ulterior motive here, mainly, that Huelskamp hasn't rolled over and died like Wasinger's plan entailed. In fact, it looks like Huelskamp is dominating state support and been more than competitive on the national scene. That combined with an embarrassing public tie to his pro-Wasinger blog and the Boldra hit blog and suddenly a new blogger image becomes necessary.
Of course, it wouldn't be complete unless Huelskamp joined in. He now has posts up on Red State and American Spectator. Both are excellent and the Am Spec piece certainly highlights Wasinger's inability to say Sebelius is a bad choice for HHS. It's such a simple truth, one wonders why he can't spit it out.
Rob has a post up on Red State as well and has certainly gotten his blogger posse to recommend him. My favorite recommendation comes from E Pluribus Unum. I think it's because it reminds me of another bloggers name, but I can't quite put my finger on it. Perhaps my readers can help me out on that one. ;)
In light of the Salina Journal article on Tracey Mann, I thought my quick campaign finance search would be of interest.
Described as "conservative, but not ideologic," Mann understands agriculture and "the importance of small business to central and western Kansas" Hemmer said.
Yes, that conservative label is awfully handy isn't it? As with every other candidate so far (of course with the exception of Sen. Huelskamp), Mr. Mann doesn't have a voting record, so it's difficult to say what he'd do if elected.
However, a search of donors to state races turned up a $200 donation by Mann to Democrat Mike Slattery, son of Jim Slattery. The older Slattery got his head handed to him by Sen. Pat Roberts but Mike got elected to the statehouse as a Representative. Mann's Roeland Park address is a couple blocks from Slattery's district.
So, there you go. Conservative but not ideologic means you give money to Democrats who's dad works as a lobbyist and ran against one of the best U.S. Senators Kansas has ever had.
It used to be Republicans that financially supported Democrats were called "moderates". Now they're "conservative but not ideologic"?
I'm just curious, what does a guy running for office in Kansas have to do to be called a liberal?